Monday, September 13, 2010

YouTube update #5

I just posted a new video on YouTube. It shows some new stuff and .. stuff

You can take a look at it here

I'll be working on the bot orders some more and then I'll post the second part.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Okay, I don't know why I let myself to believe I would actually write to the blog .. because I don't :D But I wanted to let you know that I have been working on it, almost nearly not all of the time, but still. Yesterday, I moved the project hosting over to Google because the current SVN repository had been down for too long. You can take a look at it here:

One could check out the code and actually build and run the game, because all the files/assets should be there. But don't, pleeeeez :)

What did I do today?
* Chat messages

What did I do not today?
* A lot I think. A new level, half of another new level, two new weapon models, a simple vehicle model and some other stuff.
* Codewise I included bots and they can move around and follow player, even though I haven't implemented pathfinding yet. Next I'm going to put weapons in their hands so they could fire. Also options screen is now finished, reading/writing to config file works nicely.

I have also been thinking about the story, but I'll tell you about it some other time. Take care!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

All systems online

Hi there again! I've decided to start blogging again. It's been a whiiiiiile since the last entry. Well it doesn't matter because all that is history - I restarted the project early this year, around February I think. Why? It was lacking all structure in code and was becoming a pain to handle and develop. So I started fresh, this time actually thinking about how things fit together. And it's going well. Recently my team size grew from 1 to 3, which is nice. Still looking for an artist though ..

Anyway, I've decided not to post lengthy posts once a week/month, but a short summary of each day I do some programming or whatever. Okay, I won't hold you in here any longer. But make sure to check back after a few days :)

I'll go write some options screen code now.